How It Started
Back in high school, I took on the incredibly stupid task of trying to remember every movie I’ve ever seen. Who asked me to do this? Not a soul, but I pressed on anyways.
Around the same time, I began to get my first introductions to film criticism through “Best of the Year” lists that publications would put out. I’d look at those lists and agree the movies were “good” (of the ones I’d seen), but I didn’t always enjoy them on a personal level. That’s when I decided to split my movie rankings into two lists: The Favorites and The Best.
For the most part, my Favorites List is top-heavy with the genre and franchise movies I’ve grown up with. Nostalgia absolutely plays a factor in this list; it’s subjective!
For The Best List, I try and remove personal bias as much as possible and analyze the movie technically. I take into account every aspect of the film: the performances, screenplay, sound design, etc.
I still add to both lists every time I watch or rewatch a movie. Each list is fluid, constantly changing. Feel free to take a look and tell me how you agree or disagree!
Where We Go From Here
I call this site “In the Audience” because I’m not a critic. I’m just a guy who pretends to know a lot about movies, because he watches a lot of movies… I sit in the theater audience the same as everyone else.
Hopefully this site can be a place for honest reviews from my personal perspective that help inform what should be on your watchlist.
In the future, I would love to expand the site and invite more people from any audience to contribute articles and reviews. The more the merrier!